Fall 2023 | Playable Environments and a Lantern Festival!

Your update from the Digital Frontier

Just like that, Summer has past and it is already Fall. 

Over the last few months, BOLDRVIZ has continued its explorations with Unreal Engine 5

We refined our craft by creating an animated short and studied weather + blueprint integration to create our first Playable Environment Demo! We are excited to share what is possible with you.

Read more below! 



Team: Mike Sudolsky, Patrick Tria, and Max Mesillas (Lead)

Our team wanted to capture the magic of a lantern festival and see what is possible using the Unreal Engine. We integrated Fluid Flux 2, a Kitbash Shogun Set, and Midjourney AI for the creation of this animated short.

The project started with a Charette on our Miro Board with Midjourney AI. Refining and combining our Midjourey Prompts (a Prompt is the text used to generate an AI Image)  we were able to quickly build a concept and understand the desired environmental look for our story.

The project was a ton of fun, and we can't wait to explore storytelling more in future updates!

New Product!

Custom Playable Environments

Team: Mike Sudolsky, Angelica Manlangit and Alci Torres (Lead)

Our Timberline Ridge project is back!

This time, we wanted to portray our ability to deliver custom playable environments.

We explored multiple Unreal Engine Blueprints (a Blueprint is a script used to add functionality) such as Ultra Dynamic Sky to create this project. 

With Colorado's wild weather, we wanted to give players the ability to control it.
In an instant, you can see a home in clear skies, a thunderstorm, or even a blizzard!

However, players can also:
- Do sun studies by manipulating the time, date, and location.
- Adjust the colors of furniture.
- Preview material options.
- And explore the entire house!

All of this is is optimized by the use of Nvidia DLSS 3: An AI-powered performance multiplier which can boost frame rates by up to 4x!

Scared your PC still isn't able to handle the program? We have various "settings" allowing you to optimize the program and explore our environment.

We've recorded a walkthrough of this environment in the link below, but please also click here to download the playable executable!

Thanks for reading!


Winter 2023 | Case Studies and an AI Christmas Story


Summer 2023 | Realtime Animation at the Beach Villas